Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lo.cal \'lo--k*l\ \-k*-le-\ aj [ME localle, fr. MF local, fr. LL 
   localis, fr. L locus]place - more at STALL 1: characterized by or relating 
   to position in space  2: characterized by, relating to, or occupying a 
   particular place  3: not broad or general  4a: primarily serving the needs 
   of a particular limited district  of a public conveyance  4b: making all 
   the stops on its run  5: involving or affecting only a restricted part of 
   the organism : TO PICAL - lo.cal.ly av
2. local n : a local person or thing : as  : a local train, elevator, or 
   other public conveyance  : a local or particular branch, lodge, or chapter 
   of an organization