Webster's English Dictionary

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1. trade \'tra-d\ n [ME, fr. MLG; akin to OHG trata track, course, OE 
   tredan to tread] obs  1a: a path traversed : WAY  archaic  1b: a track or 
   trail left by a man or animal : TREAD  2: a customary course of action : 
   PRACTICE  3a: the business or work in which one engages regularly : 
   OCCUPATIONM 3b: an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill : CRAFT  
   3c: the persons engaged in an occupation, business, or industry  obs  4a: 
   dealings between persons or groups : INTERCOURSE  4b: the business of 
   buying and selling or bartering commodities : COMM ERCE; also : TRAFFIC, 
   MARKET 5a: an act or instance of trading : TRANSACTION; also : an  exchange 
   of property usu. without use of money 5b: a firm's customers : CLIENTELE  
   5c: the concerns engaged in a business or industry 
2. trade vt archaic  1: to do business with  2a: to give in exchange for 
   another commodity : BARTER; also  : to make an exchange of 2b: to buy and 
   sell (as stock) regularly  obs  1: to have dealings : NEGOTIATE  2a: to 
   engage in the exchange, purchase, or sale of goods  2b: to make one's 
   purchases : SHOP {~s at his store)> 3: to give one thing in exchange for 
3. trade aj also trades 1: of, relating to, or used in trade  2a: intended 
   for or limited to persons in a business or industry {a ~  journal} 2b: 
   serving others in the same business rather than the ultimate user or c 
   onsumer {a ~ printing house} 3: of, composed of, or representing the trades 
   or trade unions {a ~R club} 4: of or associated with a trade wind {the ~ 