Webster's English Dictionary

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con.den.sa.tion \.ka:n-.den-'sa--sh*n, -d*n-\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ n 1: the 
   act or process of condensing : as  1a: a chemical reaction involving union 
   between atoms in the same or differ ent molecules often with elimination of 
   a simple molecule to form a new more complex compound of often greater 
   molecular weight 1b: a reduction to a denser form (as from steam to water)  
   1c: compression of a written or spoken work into more concise form  2: the 
   quality or state of being condensed  3: a product of condensing; specif : 
   an abridgment of a literary wo rk - con.den.sa.tion.al aj