Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure                2. metric system          3. importance            
  4. influence             
1. weight \'wa-t\ n [ME wight, weght, fr. OE wiht; akin to ON 
   vtt]weight, OE wegan to weigh 1a: the amount that a thing weighs  1b1: 
   the standard or established amount that a thing should weigh  1b2: one of 
   the classes into which contestants in a sports event are divide d according 
   to body weight 1b3: poundage required to be carried by a horse in a 
   handicap race  2a: a quantity or thing weighing a fixed and usu. specified 
   amount  2b: a heavy object (as a metal ball) thrown, put, or lifted as an 
   athletic  exercise 3a: a unit of weight or mass  3b: a piece of material 
   (as metal) of known specified weight for use in wei ghing articles 3c: a 
   system of related units of weight  4a: something heavy : LOAD  4b: a heavy 
   object to hold or press something down or to counterbalance  5a: BURDEN, 
   PRESSURE  5b: PONDEROUSNESS  6a: relative heaviness  6b: the force with 
   which a body is attracted toward the earth or a celestia l body by 
   gravitation and which is equal to the product of the mass by the local 
   gravitational acceleration 7a: the relative importance or authority 
   accorded something  7b: measurable influence esp. upon others  8: 
   overpowering force  9: the quality (as lightness) that makes a fabric or 
   garment suitable for a  particular use or season often used in combination 
   {dress-weight} 10: a numerical coefficient assigned to an item to express 
   its relative imp ortance in a frequency distribution
2. weight vt 1a: to load or make heavy with or as if with a weight  1b: to 
   increase in heaviness by adding an ingredient  2: to oppress with a burden 
   {~ed down with cares}  3a: WEIGH  3b: to feel the weight of : HEFT  4: to 
   assign a statistical weight to  5: to cause to incline in a particular 
   direction by manipulation  6: to shift the burden of weight upon