Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. form                  
con.fig.u.ra.tion \-.fig-(y)*-'ra--sh*n, .ka:n-\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ 
   \-shn*-le-, -sh*n-*l-e-\ \k*n-'fig-(y}-.ra-t-iv, -r*t-\ n [LL 
   configuration-, configuratio similar formation, fr. L config]uratus, pp. of 
   configurare to form from or after, fr. com- + figurare to form, fr. figura 
   figure 1a: relative arrangement of parts  1b: the figure, contour, or 
   pattern produced by such arrangement  1c: the structural makeup of a 
   chemical compound esp. with reference to the  space relations of the 
   constituent atoms 2: GESTALT  - con.fig.u.ra.tion.al aj