Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. outline               
1. con.tour \'ka:n-.tu.(*)r\ n [F, fr. It contorno fr. contornare to round 
   off, sketch in outline,] fr. L com- + tornare to turn in a lathe, fr. 
   tornus lathe : the outline of an esp. curving or irregular figure; also : 
   the l ine representing this outline
2. contour vt 1a: to shape the contour of  1b: to shape to fit contours  2: 
   to construct (as a road) in conformity to a contour 
3. contour aj 1: following contour lines or forming furrows or ridges along 
   them to reta rd erosion of sloping land by runoff rainwater {~ plowing} 2: 
   made to fit the contour of something