Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. form                  
1. fig.ure \'fig-y*r, esp Brit 'fig-*r\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L figura, fr. 
   fingere] 1a: a number symbol : NUMERAL  pl  1b: arithmetical calculations  
   1c: a written or printed character  1d: value esp. as expressed in numbers 
   : PRICE  2a: the external shape or outline of something  2b: bodily shape 
   or form esp. of a person  2c: an object noticeable only as a shape or form  
   3a: the graphic representation of a form esp. of a person  3b: a diagram or 
   pictorial illustration of textual matter  3c: a geometric diagram  4: a 
   person, thing, or action representative of another  5: an intentional 
   deviation from the ordinary form or syntactical relation  of words 6: the 
   form of a syllogism with respect to the relative position of the mid dle 
   term 7: PATTERN, DESIGN  8: appearance made or impression produced {the 
   couple cut quite a ~ } 9a: a series of movements in a dance  9b: an outline 
   representation of a form traced by a series of evolutions  10: a prominent 
   personality : PERSONAGE  11: a short coherent group of tones or chords that 
   may grow into a phrase,  theme, or composition
2. figure \-(y)*r-*r\ vt 1: to represent by or as if by a figure or outline 
   : PORTRAY  2: to decorate with a pattern; specif : to write figures over or 
   u nder (the bass) in order to indicate the accompanying chords 3: to 
   indicate or represent by numerals  4a: CALCULATE  4b: CONCLUDE, DECIDE  4c: 
   REGARD, CONSIDER  1: to be or appear important or conspicuous  2: to 
   perform a figure in dancing  3: COMPUTE, CALCULATE  1: to take into 
   consideration  2: to rely on  3: PLAN  - fig.ur.er n