Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rel.a.tive \'rel-*t-iv\ n 1: a work referring grammatically to an 
   antecedent  2: a thing having a relation to or connection with or necessary 
   dependence  upon another thing 3a: a person connected with another by blood 
   or affinity  3b: an animal or plant related to another by common descent  
   4: a relative term 
2. relative aj 1: introducing a subordinate clause qualifying an expressed 
   or implied ant ecedent {~ pronoun}; also : introduced by such a connective 
   {~ clause} 2: RELEVANT, PERTINENT  3: not absolute or independent : 
   COMPARATIVE  4: having the same key signature - used of major and minor 
   keys and scal es 5: expressed as the ratio of the specified quantity to the 
   total magnitude  or to the mean of all the quantities involved - 
   rel.a.tive.ly av