Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. model                 
1. pat.tern \'pat-*rn\ \-*rnd\ n [ME patron, fr. MF, fr. ML patronus] 1: a 
   form or model proposed for imitation : EXEMPLAR  2: something designed or 
   used as a model for making things {a dressmaker' s ~} 3: a model for making 
   a mold into which molten metal is poured to form a ca sting 4: SPECIMEN, 
   SAMPLE  5a: an artistic or mechanical design  5b: form or style in literary 
   or musical composition  6: a natural or chance configuration  7: a length 
   of fabric sufficient for an article  8a: the distribution of the shot from 
   a shotgun or the bullets from an expl oded shrapnel 8b: the grouping made 
   on a target by bullets  9: a reliable sample of traits, acts, or other 
   observable features characte rizing an individual 10: the flight path 
   prescribed for an airplane that is coming in for a land ing 11: a standard 
   diagram transmitted for testing television circuits  - pat.terned aj
2. pattern vt 1: to make or fashion according to a pattern  dial chiefly 
   Eng  2a: MATCH  2b: IMITATE  3: to furnish, adorn, or mark with a design  : 
   to form a pattern