Webster's English Dictionary

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1. con.sum.mate \k*n-'s*m-*t, 'ka:n(t)-s*-m*t\ aj [ME, fr. L consummatus, 
   pp. of consummare to sum up, finish, fr. Xcom- + summa sum 1: complete in 
   every detail : PERFECT  2: extremely skilled and accomplished {a ~ liar}  
   3: of the highest excellence or greatest degree {~ skill}  - 
   con.sum.mate.ly av
2. con.sum.mate \'ka:n(t)-s*-.ma-t, vt 1 & vi also k*n-'s*m-*t, -a-t\ 
   \.ka:n(t)-s*-'ma--sh*n\ \'ka:n(t)-s*-.ma-t-iv, k*n-'s*m-*t-iv\ 
   \'ka:n(t)-s*-.ma-t-*r, also k*n-'s*m-*t-er, -.a-t\ \k*n-'s*m-*-.to-r-e-, 
   -.to.r-\ vt 1a: FINISH, COMPLETE  1b: to make perfect : ACHIEVE  2: to 
   complete by sexual intercourse {~ a marriage}  : to become perfected  - 
   con.sum.ma.tion n