1. mate \'ma-t\ vt [ME maten, fr. MF mater, fr. OF mat, n., checkmate, fr.
Ar Xma-t (in sha-h ma-t) : CHECKMATE
2. mate n : CHECKMATE
3. mate n [ME, prob. fr. MLG ma-t; akin to OE gemetta guest at one's
table], mete food - more at MEAT 1a1: ASSOCIATE, COMPANION 1a2: an
assistant to a more skilled workman : HELPER {plumber's (R@} archaic 1b:
MATCH, PEER 2: a deck officer on a merchant ship ranking below the captain
3: one of a pair; esp : one of a married pair
4. mate vt archaic 1: EQUAL, MATCH 2: to join or fit together : COUPLE
3a: to join together as mates 3b: to provide a mate for : to become mated
{gears that ~ well}
5. ma.te or ma.te \'ma:-.ta-\ n [F & AmerSp; F mate`, fr. AmerSp mate, fr.
Quechua] 1: an aromatic beverage used chiefly in So. America 2: a So.
American holly (Ilex paraguayensis) whose leaves and shoots are used in
making mate; also : these leaves and shoots