Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. item                  
1. de.tail \di-'ta-(*)l, 'de--.ta-l\ n [F de`tail, fr. OF detail slice, 
   piece fr. detaillier to cut] in pieces, fr. de- + taillier to cut - more at 
   TAILOR 1: extended treatment of or attention to particular items  2: a part 
   of a whole : as  2a: a small and subordinate part : PARTICULAR, 
   CIRCUMSTANCE  2b: a portion considered independently of the parts 
   considered together  2c: a minor part (as the cornice, caps of the 
   buttresses, capitals of a bui lding) 3a: selection for a particular task 
   (as in military service) of a person or  a body of persons 3b: the person 
   or body selected or the task to be performed  4: the small elements of a 
   photographic image corresponding to those of the  subject
2. detail vt 1: to report minutely and distinctly  2: ENUMERATE, SPECIFY  
   3: to assign to a particular task  4: to furnish with the smaller elements 
   of design and finish {beautifull y ~ed hats} : to make detail drawings  - 
   de.tail.er n