Webster's English Dictionary

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1. per.fect \'p*r-fikt\ \-fik(t)-n*s\ aj [ME parfit, fr. OF, fr. L 
   perfectus, fr. pp. of perficere to]carry out, perfect, fr. per- thoroughly 
   + facere to make, do - more at DO 1: EXPERT, PROFICIENT  2a: being entirely 
   without fault or defect : FLAWLESS  2b: satisfying all requirements : 
   ACCURATE  2c: corresponding to an ideal standard  2d: faithfully 
   reproducing the original; specif : LETTER-PERFEC T 2e: legally valid  3a: 
   PURE, TOTAL  3b: lacking in no essential detail : COMPLETE  obs  3c: SANE  
   3d: ABSOLUTE, UNEQUIVOCAL  3e: of an extreme kind : UNMITIGATED  obs  4: 
   MATURE  5: of, relating to, or constituting a verb form or verbal that 
   expresses a n action or state completed at the time of speaking or at a 
   time spoken of obs  6a: CERTAIN, SURE  6b: SATISFIED, CONTENT  of an 
   interval  7: belonging to the consonances unison, fourth, fifth, and octave 
   which re tain their character when inverted and when raised or lowered by a 
   half step become augmented or diminished 8a: sexually mature and fully 
   differentiated  8b: MONOCLINOUS oundness and the excellence of every part, 
   element, or quality of a thing frequently as an unattainable or theoretical 
   state; WHOLE suggests a completeness or perfection that can be sought, 
   gained, or regained; ENTIRE implies perfection deriving from integrity, 
   soundness, or completeness of a thing; INTACT implies retention of 
   perfection of a thing in its natural or original state - per.fect.ness n 
   SYN syn WHOLE, ENTIRE, INTACT: PERFECT implies the s 
2. per.fect \p*r-'fekt also 'p*r-fikt\ vt 1: to make perfect : IMPROVE, 
   REFINE  2: to bring to final form : COMPLETE  - per.fect.er n
3. per.fect \'p*r-fikt\ n : the perfect tense of a language; also : a verb 
   form in the perfe ct tense