Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bodily                
1. cor.po.ral \'ko.r-p(*-)r*l\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML corporale, fr. L, 
   neut. of corporalis; fr. the]doctrine that the bread of the Eucharist 
   becomes or represents the body of Christ : a linen cloth on which the 
   eucharistic elements are placed 
2. corporal \-p(*-)r*-le-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L corporalis, fr. corpor-, 
   corpus body] 1: of or relating to the body {~ punishment}  obs  2: 
   CORPOREAL, PHYSICAL  - cor.po.ral.ly av
3. corporal n [MF, lowest noncommissioned officer, alter. of caporal, fr. 
   OIt capora]le, fr. capo head, fr. L caput : an enlisted man of the lowest 
   noncommissioned rank in the army or marine  corps