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doc.trine \'da:k-tr*n\ n [ME, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L doctrina, fr. doctor] 
   archaic  1: TEACHING, INSTRUCTION  2a: something that is taught  2b: a 
   principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowle dge 
   or system of belief : DOGMA 2c: a principle of law established through past 
   decisions  2d: a statement of fundamental government policy esp. in 
   international rela tionss authoritative. DOCTRINE implies a principle 
   accepted by a body of believers or adherents to a philosophy or school; 
   DOGMA implies a doctrine that is laid down as true and beyond dispute; 
   TENET stresses acceptance and belief rather than teaching and applies to a 
   principle held or adhered to SYN syn DOCTRINE, DOGMA, TENET mean a 
   principle accepted a