Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bod.i.ly \'ba:d-*l-e-\ aj 1: having a body : PHYSICAL  2: of or relating 
   to the body {~ comfort ~ organs} MATIC mean of or relating to the human 
   body. BODILY suggests contrast with mental or spiritual; PHYSICAL suggests 
   more vaguely or less explicitly an organic structure; CORPOREAL suggest the 
   substance of which the body is composed {corporeal existence} CORPORAL 
   applies chiefly to things that affect or involve the body; SOMATIC implies 
   contrast with PHYSICAL and is useful as being free of theological and 
   poetic connotations SYN syn BODILY, PHYSICAL, CORPOREAL, CORPORAL, SO 
2. bodily av 1: in the flesh  2: as a whole : ALTOGETHER