Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ma.rine \m*-'re-n\ aj [ME, fr. L marinus, fr. mare sea; akin to OE mere 
   sea, pool,]OHG meri sea, OSlav morje 1a: of or relating to the sea {~ life} 
    1b: of or relating to the navigation of the sea : NAUTICAL {~  chart} 1c: 
   of or relating to the commerce of the sea : MARITIME {~R law} 2: of or 
   relating to marines {~ barracks} 
2. marine n 1a: the mercantile and naval shipping of a country  1b: 
   seagoing ships esp. in relation to nationality or class  2: one of a class 
   of soldiers serving on shipboard or in close association  with a naval 
   force; specif : a member of the U.S. Marine Corps 3: an executive 
   department (as in France) having charge of naval affairs  4: a marine 