Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bank \'bank\ n [ME, prob. of Scand origin; akin to ON bakki bank; akin 
   to OE benc]bench - more at BENCH 1: a mound, pile, or ridge raised above 
   the surrounding level : as  1a: a piled up mass of cloud or fog  1b: an 
   undersea elevation rising esp. from the continental shelf  2: the rising 
   ground bordering a lake, river, or sea or forming the edge of  a cut or 
   other hollow 3a: A steep acclivity  3b: the lateral inward tilt of a 
   surface along a curve or of a vehicle when  taking a curve 4: a protective 
   or cushioning rim or piece 
2. bank vt 1a: to raise a bank about  1b: to cover (as a fire) with fresh 
   fuel and adjust the draft of air so as  to keep in an inactive state 1c: to 
   build (a curve) with the roadbed or track inclined laterally upward  from 
   the inside edge 2: to heap or pile in a bank  3: to drive (a ball in 
   billiards) into a cushion  4: to form or group in a tier  1: to rise in or 
   form a bank  2a: to incline an airplane laterally  of an airplane  2b: to 
   incline laterally 
3. bank n [ME, fr. OF banc bench, of Gmc origin; akin to OE benc] 1: a 
   bench for the rowers of a galley  2: a group or series of objects arranged 
   near together in a row or a tier :  as 2a: a row of keys on a typewriter  
   2b: a set of two or more elevators  3: one of the horizontal and usu. 
   secondary or lower divisions of a headlin e
4. bank n [ME, fr. MF or OIt; MF banque, fr. OIt banca, lit., bench, of Gmc 
   o]rigin; akin to OE benc obs  1a: the table, counter, or place of business 
   of a money changer  1b: an establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, 
   or issue of money, fo r the extension of credit, and for facilitating the 
   transmission of funds 2: a person conducting a gambling house or game; 
   specif : DEALER  3: a supply of something held in reserve : as  3a: the 
   fund of the banker or dealer in a gambling game  3b: a fund of pieces 
   belonging to a game (as dominoes) from which the playe rs draw 4: a place 
   where something is held available 
5. bank or bank upon vi 1: to keep a bank  2: to deposit money or have an 
   account in a bank  : to deposit in a bank  : to depend upon  - bank on