Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. sadness               
de.pres.sion \di-'presh-*n\ n 1a: the angular distance of a celestial 
   object below the horizon  1b: the angular distance of an object beneath the 
   horizontal plane  2: an act of depressing or a state of being depressed : 
   as  2a: a pressing down : LOWERING  2b1: a state of feeling sad : DEJECTION 
    2b2: a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked by sadness, inactivity, 
    and self-depreciation 2c1: a reduction in activity, amount, quality, or 
   force  2c2: a lowering of vitality or functional activity  3: a depressed 
   place or part : HOLLOW  4: LOW  5: a period of low general economic 
   activity marked esp. by unemployment