Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. buttonwood             2. sycamore               3. level                 
1. plane \'pla-n\ vb [ME planen, fr. MF planer, fr. LL planare, fr. L 
   planus] level - more at FLOOR 1a: to make smooth or even : LEVEL  1b: to 
   make plane by use of a plane  2: to remove by planing  1: to work with a 
   plane  2: to do the work of a plane  - plan.er n
2. plane n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L platanus, fr. Gk platanos; akin to Gk 
   platys)X broad - more at PLACE : any of a genus (Platanus of the family 
   Platanaceae, the plane-tree  family) of trees with large palmately lobed 
   leaves and flowers in globose heads
3. plane n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL plana, fr. planare] : a tool for smoothing 
   or shaping a wood surface 
4. plane n [L planum, fr. neut. of planus level] [by shortening] 1a: a 
   surface of such nature that a straight line joining two of its points  lies 
   wholly in the surface 1b: a flat or level surface  2: a level of existence, 
   consciousness, or development  3a: one of the main supporting surfaces of 
   an airplane  3b: AIRPLANE 
5. plane aj [L planus] 1: having no elevations or depressions : FLAT  2a: 
   of, relating to, or dealing with geometric planes  2b: lying in a plane {~ 
6. plane vi [F planer, fr. plan plane; fr. the plane formed by the wings of 
   a s]oaring bird 1a: to soar on wings  1b: to skim across the surface of the 
   water  2: to travel by airplane