Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dis.tance \'dis-t*n(t)s\ n obs  1: DISCORD  2a: separation in time  2b: 
   the degree or amount of separation between two points, lines, surfaces,  or 
   objects measured along the shortest path joining them 2c: an extent of area 
   or an advance along a route measured linearly  2d: an extent of advance 
   away or along from a point considered primary or o riginal 2e: EXPANSE  2f: 
   in racing  2f1: COURSE, ROUTE  2f2: an extent of the track marked by a post 
   or flag which a horse in a hea t race must reach by the time the winner 
   crosses the finish line to be qualified for later heats 3: the quality or 
   state of being distant : as  3a: spatial remoteness  3b: COLDNESS, RESERVE  
   3c: DIFFERENCE, DISPARITY  4: a distant point or region 
2. distance vt 1: to place or keep at a distance  2: to leave far behind : 
   OUTSTRIP  3: to declare disqualified in racing because of losing a heat by 
   a distanc e