Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. base                  
1. low \'lo-\ vi [ME loowen, vb., fr. OE hlo-wan; akin to OHG hloen to 
   moo,] L calare to call, summon Gk kalein : MOO  - low n
2. low \'lo-(-*)r\ \'lo--*st\ aj or low.er;  or low.est [ME lah, low, fr. 
   ON la-gr; akin to MHG lge] low, flat 1a: having a small upward 
   extension or elevation {~ wall}  1b: situated or passing little above a 
   reference line, point, or plane { ~ bridge} 1c: DE Ollete  2a: situated or 
   passing below the normal level, surface, or base of measur ement, or the 
   mean elevation {~ ground} 2b: marking a nadir or bottom {~ point of his 
   career}  3a: DEAD  3b: PROSTRATE {laid ~}  4a: not loud : SOFT; also : FLAT 
    4b: located in the contraoctave {~ G}  4c: depressed in pitch {a ~ tone}  
   5: being near the equator {~ northern latitudes}  6: humble in character or 
   status {~ birth}  7a: lacking strength, health, or vitality : WEAK  7b: 
   lacking spirit or vivacity : DEPRESSED  8a: of lesser degree, size, or 
   amount than average or ordinary {~  pressure} 8b1: small in number or 
   amount  8b2: INADEQUATE {~ level of employment}  8b3: CHEAP {~ price}  8b4: 
   DEPLETED, SHORT {~ supply}  9: falling short of some standard : as  9a: 
   lacking dignity or elevation {~ style of writing}  9b: morally 
   reprehensible : BASE {~ trick}  9c: COARSE, VULGAR {~ language}  10a: not 
   advanced in complexity, development, or elaboration {~ or ganisms} often 
   cap  10b: Low Church  11: UNFAVORABLE, DISPARAGING {~ opinion of him}  12: 
   articulated with a wide opening between the relatively flat tongue and  the 
   palate : OPEN {the sounds /a:/, /a./, /a/ are ~} - low av
3. low n 1: something that is low : as  1a: DEPTH  1b: a region of low 
   barometric pressure  2: the transmission gear of an automotive vehicle 
   giving the lowest ratio o f propellar-shaft to engine-shaft speed and the 
   highest amplification of torque
4. low or lowe \'lo-\ n [ME, fr. ON logi, log; akin to OE le-oht light - 
   more at] LIGHT chiefly Scot  : FLAME, BLAZE 
5. low or lowe vb Scot  : FLAME, BLAZE