Cross references:
1. apparent horizon 2. celestial horizon
ho.ri.zon \h*-'ri-z-*n\ \-'ri-z-n*l, -*n-*l\ n [ME orizon, fr. LL
horizont-, horizon, fr. Gk horizont-], horizo-n, fr. prp. of horizein to
bound, define, fr. horos boundary; akin to L urvus circumference of a city
1a: the apparent junction of earth and sky 1b1: the plane tangent to the
earth's surface at an observer's position 1b2: the plane parallel to the
sensible horizon but passing through the ear th's center; also : the great
circle formed by the intersection of this plane with the celestial sphere
1c: a level mirror (as the surface of mercury in a shallow vessel or a plan
e reflector adjusted to the true level artificially) used esp. in observing
altitudes 1d: range of perception or experience 2a: the geological deposit
of a particular time usu. identified by distinct ive fossils 2b: any of the
reasonably distinct layers of soil or its underlying materia l in a
vertical section of land 2c: a cultural area or level of development
indicated by separated groups o f artifacts - ho.ri.zon.al aj