Webster's English Dictionary

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di.a.phragm \'di--*-.fram\ \.di--*-.frag-'mat-ik\ \-'mat-i-k(*-)le-\ n [ME 
   diafragma, fr. LL diaphragma, fr. Gk, fr. diaphrassein to] barricade, fr. 
   dia- + phrassein to enclose 1: a body partition of muscle and connective 
   tissue; specif : the p artition separating the chest and abdominal cavities 
   in mammals 2: a dividing membrane or thin partition esp. in a tube  3a: a 
   more or less rigid partition in the body or shell of an invertebrate  3b: a 
   transverse septum in a plant stem  4: a device that limits the aperture of 
   a lens or optical system  5: a thin flexible disk that vibrates (as in a 
   microphone)  - di.a.phrag.mat.ic aj