Webster's English Dictionary

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tube \'t(y)u:b\ \'t(y)u:bd\ \'t(y)u:-.bli-k\ n [F, fr. L tubus; akin to L 
   tuba trumpet] 1a: a hollow elongated cylinder; esp : one to convey fluids  
   1b1: a slender channel within a plant or animal body : DUCT  1b2: the 
   narrow basal portion of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous c alyx 2: 
   any of various usu. cylindrical structures or devices : as  2a: a round 
   metal container from which a paste is dispensed by squeezing  2b: TUNNEL  
   2c: the basically cylindrical part connecting the mouthpiece and bell of a  
   wind instrument 3: an airtight tube of rubber placed inside the casing of a 
   pneumatic tire  to hold air under pressure 4: ELECTRON TUBE  5: VACUUM TUBE 
    - tubed aj