Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shell \'shel\ \'sheld\ \'shel-.w*rk\ \'shel-e-\ n [ME, fr. OE sciell; 
   akin to OE scealu shell, ON skel, L si]lex pebble, flint, Gk skallein to 
   hoe 1a: a hard rigid usu. largely calcareous covering of an animal  1b: the 
   hard or tough outer covering of an egg esp. of a bird  2: the covering or 
   outside part of a fruit or seed esp. when hard or fibrou s 3: shell 
   material (as of mollusks or turtles) or their substance  4: something that 
   resembles a shell : as  4a: a framework or exterior structure; esp : a 
   building with an unf inished interior 4b: an external case or outside 
   covering  4c: an edible case for holding a filling  4d: a reinforced 
   concrete arched or domed roof that is used primarily over  large 
   unpartitioned areas 4e: a small beer glass  5: a thin hard layer of rock  
   6: a shell-bearing mollusk  7: an impersonal attitude or manner that 
   conceals the presence or absence o f feeling 8: a narrow light racing boat 
   propelled by one or more oarsmen  9: any of the spaces occupied by the 
   orbits of a group of electrons of appr oximately equal energy surrounding 
   the nucleus of an atom 10a: a hollow projectile for cannon containing an 
   explosive bursting charge  10b: a metal or paper case which holds the 
   charge of powder and shot or bul let used with breech-loading small arms - 
   shell aj
2. shell vt 1a: to take out of a natural enclosing cover (as a shell, husk, 
   pod, capsu le) : strip, break off, or remove the shell of 1b: to separate 
   the kernels of (as an ear of Indian corn, wheat, or oats)  from the cob, 
   ear, or husk 2: to throw shells at, upon, or into : BOMBARD  1: to fall or 
   scale off in thin pieces  2: to cast the shell or exterior covering : fall 
   out of the pod or husk  3: to gather shells (as from a beach) : collect 