Webster's English Dictionary

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1. disk or disc \'disk\ n [L discus - more at DISH] often attrib  archaic  
   1: DISCUS  2a: the central part of the flower head of a typical composite 
   made up of c losely packed tubular flowers usu disc  2b: an enlargement of 
   the torus surrounding, beneath, or above the pistil o f a flower 3: any of 
   various rounded and flattened animal anatomical structures  4a: a thin 
   circular object  usu disc  4b: a phonograph record  usu disc  5: one of the 
   concave circular steel tools with sharpened edge making up th e working 
   part of a disc harrow or plow; also : an implement employing such tools
2. disk or disc vt 1: to cultivate with a disc harrow or similar implement  
   usu disc  2: to record on a phonograph disc