Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. stiff                 
rig.id \'rij-*d\ \r*-'jid-*t-e-\ \'rij-*d-le-\ aj [MF or L; MF rigide, fr. 
   L rigidus, fr. rige-re to be stif]f 1: lacking flexibility : STIFF, HARD  
   2a: inflexibly set : UNYIELDING  2b: strictly observed : SCRUPULOUS  3: 
   RIGOROUS, SEVERE {~ treatment}  4: precise and accurate in procedure  5a: 
   having the gas containers enclosed within compartments of a fixed fabr 
   ic-covered framework {~ airship} 5b: having the outer shape maintained by a 
   fixed framework emely severe or stern. RIGID implies uncompromising 
   inflexibility; RIGOROUS implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty; 
   STRICT emphasizes undeviating conformity to rules, standards, or 
   requirements; STRINGENT suggests restrictions or limitations that curb or 
   coerce - ri.gid.i.ty n SYN syn RIGID, RIGOROUS, STRICT, STRINGENT mean extr