Webster's English Dictionary

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1. doc.u.ment \'da:k-y*-m*nt\ \.da:k-y*-'ment-*l\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL & 
   L; LL documentum official paper, fr. L, lesson, pro]of, fr. doce-re to 
   teach - more at DOCILE archaic  1a: PROOF, EVIDENCE  1b: an original or 
   official paper relied upon as the basis, proof, or suppo rt of something 
   2a: a writing conveying information  2b: a material substance having on it 
   a representation of the thoughts of m en by means of some conventional mark 
   or symbol 2c: DOCUMENTARY  - doc.u.men.tal aj
2. doc.u.ment \'da:k-y*-.ment\ \-*-b*l, .da:k-y*-'\ vt 1: to furnish 
   documentary evidence of  2: to furnish with documents  3: to provide with 
   factual or substantial support for statements made or a  hypothesis 
   proposed; esp : to equip with exact references to authoritative supporting 
   information - doc.u.ment.able aj