Cross references:
1. demand 2. correct
1. ex.act also ex.ac.ter \ig-'zakt\ \-'zak-t*-b*l\ \-t*r\ vt [ME exacten,
fr. L exactus, pp. of exigere to drive out, dema]nd, measure, fr. ex- +
agere to drive - more at AGENT 1: to demand and compel : EXTORT 2: to call
for as necessary, appropriate, or desirable - ex.act.able aj
2. exact \-'zak(t)-n*s\ aj [L exactus, fr. pp. of exigere] 1: exhibiting or
marked by strict, particular, and complete accordance wit h fact 2: marked
by thorough consideration or minute measurement of small factual details -
exact.ness n