Webster's English Dictionary

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teach \'te-ch\ \'to.t\ vb or taught;  or teach.ing [ME techen to show, 
   instruct, fr. OE t-can; akin to OE]ta-cn sign - more at TOKEN 1a: to 
   cause to know a subject  1b: to cause to know how  1c: to accustom to some 
   action or attitude  1d: to make to know the disagreeable consequences of 
   some action  2: to guide the studies of  3: to impart the knowledge of {~ 
   algebra}  4a: to instruct by precept, example, or experience  4b: to seek 
   to make known and accepted : PREACH  : to provide instruction : act as a 
   teacher OOL: TEACH applies to any manner of imparting information or skill 
   so that others may learn; INSTRUCT suggests methodical or formal teaching; 
   EDUCATE implies attempting to bring out latent capabilities; TRAIN stresses 
   instruction and drill with a specific end in view; DISCIPLINE implies 
   subordinating to a master for the sake of controlling; SCHOOL implies 
   training or disciplining esp. in what is hard to master or to bear SYN syn