Webster's English Dictionary

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1. proof \'pru:f\ n [ME, alter. of preove, fr. OF preuve, fr. LL proba, fr. 
   L ]probare to prove - more at PROVE 1a: the cogency of evidence that 
   compels acceptance by the mind of a truth  or a fact 1b: the process or an 
   instance of establishing the validity of a statement  esp. by derivation 
   from other statements in accordance with accepted or stipulated principles 
   of reasoning obs  2: EXPERIENCE  3: an act, effort, or operation designed 
   to establish or discover a fact or  truth : TEST archaic  4: the quality or 
   state of having been tested or tried; esp : unyie lding hardness 5: 
   evidence operating to determine the finding or judgment of a tribunal  6a: 
   an impression (as from type) taken for correction or examination  6b: a 
   proof impression of an engraving, etching, or lithograph  6c: a test 
   photographic print made from a negative  7: a test applied to articles or 
   substances to determine whether they are o f standard or satisfactory 
   quality 8a: the minimum alcoholic strength of proof spirit  8b: strength 
   with reference to the standard for proof spirit 
2. proof aj 1: firm or successful in resisting or repelling - often used in 
   combinat ion 2: used in proving or testing or a standard of comparison  3: 
   of standard strength or quality or alcoholic content 
3. proof vt 1a: to make or take a proof or test of  1b: PROOFREAD  2: to 
   bring (dough) to the proper lightness  3: to give a resistant quality to  - 
   proof.er n