1. sym.bol \'sim-b*l\ n [in sense 1, fr. LL symbolum, fr. LGk symbolon, fr.
Gk, token, sign]; in other senses fr. L symbolus, symbolum token, sign,
symbol, fr. Gk, lit., token of identity verified by comparing its other
half, fr. symballein to throw together, compare, fr. syn- + ballein to
throw - more at DEVIL 1: a creedal form 2: something that stands for or
suggests something else by reason of relati onship, association,
convention, or accidental resemblance; esp : a visible sign of something
invisible 3: an arbitrary or conventional sign used in writing or printing
relating t o a particular field to represent operations, quantities,
elements, relations, or qualities 4: an object or act that represents a
repressed complex through unconscious association 5: an act, sound, or
object having cultural significance and the capacity t o excite or
objectify a response
2. symbol vb or sym.boled or sym.bolled; or; or sym.bol.ling