Webster's English Dictionary

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1. frown \'frau.n\ \'frau.-nin-le-\ vb [ME frounen, fr. MF froigner to 
   snort, frown, of Celt origin; akin]to W ffroen nostril 1: to contract the 
   brow in displeasure or concentration  2: to give evidence of displeasure or 
   disapproval by or as if by facial ex pression : to show displeasure with or 
   disapproval of esp. by facial expression g disapproval or displeasure by 
   contracting the brows; SCOWL suggests a similar facial expression but 
   conveying rather a bad humor, sullenness, or resentful puzzlement; GLOWER 
   implies a more direct staring or glaring than FROWN or SCOWL, as in 
   expressing comtempt or defiance; LOWER suggests a menacing blackness or 
   gloomy anger - frown.er n SYN syn SCOWL, GLOWER, LOWER: FROWN implies 
2. frown n 1: a wrinkling of the brow in displeasure or concentration  2: 
   an expression of displeasure