Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. incur                 
1. con.tract \'ka:n-.trakt\ n [ME, fr. L contractus, fr. contractus, pp. of 
   contrahere to d] [2contract]raw together, make a contract, reduce in size, 
   fr. com- + trahere to draw 1a: a binding agreement between two or more 
   persons or parties : COVEN ANT 1b: BETROTHAL  2: a writing made by the 
   parties to evidence the terms and conditions of a  contract 3: the 
   department or principles of law having to do with contracts  4: an 
   undertaking to win a specified number of tricks or points in bridge  5: a 
   word or form undergoing contraction or resulting from contraction 
2. contract aj : CONTRACTED {a ~ noun} 
3. con.tract \vt 1a & vi 1 usu 'ka:n-.trakt, others usu k*n-'trakt\ 
   \k*n-'trak-t*-b*l, 'ka:n-.\ vb [partly fr. MF contracter to agree upon, fr. 
   L contractus n.; partl]y fr. L contractus, pp. of contrahere to draw 
   together 1a: to establish or undertake by contract  1b: BETROTH  2a: CATCH 
   {~ a disease}  2b: INCUR {~ an obligation}  3a: LIMIT, RESTRICT  3b: KNIT, 
   WRINKLE {frown ~ed his brow}  3c: to draw together : CONCENTRATE  4: 
   SHORTEN, SHRINK  5: to shorten (as a word) by omitting one or more sounds 
   or letters  1: to make a contract  2a: to diminish in size  of muscle  2b: 
   to draw to shorter and broader size STRICT, DEFLATE mean to decrease in 
   bulk or volume. CONTRACT is a general antonym for expand and applies to any 
   drawing together of bounding surfaces or component particles or to a 
   reducing of area, compass, or length; SHRINK implies a contracting or a 
   loss of material and stresses a falling short of original dimensions; 
   CONDENSE implies a reducing of something homogeneous to greater compactness 
   without significant loss of content; COMPRESS implies a pressing into a 
   small compass and definite shape usu. against resistance; CONSTRICT implies 
   a tightening that reduces diameter; DEFLATE implies a contracting by 
   reducing the internal pressure of contained air or gas - con.tract.ible aj