Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. frown                 
1. low.er \'lau.(-*)r\ vi [ME louren; akin to MHG lu-ren to lie in wait] 1: 
   to look sullen : FROWN  2: to become dark, gloomy, and threatening {~ing 
2. lower n : a lowering look : FROWN; also : a gloomy sky or aspect o f 
3. low.er \'lo-(-*)r\ aj 1: relatively low in position, rank, or order  2: 
   constituting the popular and often the larger and more representative b 
   ranch of a bicameral legislative body 3a: situated or held to be situated 
   beneath the earth's surface  cap  3b: of, relating to, or constituting an 
   earlier geologic period or formati on 4: SOUTHERN {~ New York State} 
4. low.er \'lo-(-*)r\ vi : to move down : DROP; also : DIMINISH  1a: to let 
   descend by its own weight  1b: to depress as to direction  1c: to reduce 
   the height of  2a: to reduce in value or amount {~ the price}  2b1: to 
   bring down : DEGRADE  2b2: ABASE, HUMBLE  2c: to reduce the objective of