Webster's English Dictionary

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fu.tile \'fyu:t-*l, 'fyu:-.ti-l\ \-*l-(l)e-, -.ti-l-le-\ \fyu.-'til-*t-e-\ 
   aj [MF or L; MF, fr. L futilis that pours out easily, useless, fr. fut-X 
   (akin to fundere to pour) - more at FOUND 1: serving no useful purpose  2: 
   occupied with trifles : FRIVOLOUS f failure or unwisdom of undertaking; 
   VAIN usu. implies simple failure to achieve a desired result; FRUITLESS 
   comes close to VAIN but often suggests long and arduous effort or severe 
   disappointment - fu.tile.ly av SYN syn VAIN, FRUITLESS: FUTILE may connote 
   completeness o