Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tile \'ti-(*)l\ n or tiles or tile [ME, fr. OE tigele; akin to OH tigl 
   tile; both fr. a prehistoric WG]mc-NGmc word borrowed fr. L tegula tile; 
   akin to L tegere to cover - more at THATCH pl  1a: a flat or curved piece 
   of fired clay, stone, or concrete used esp. for  roofs, floors, or walls 
   and often for ornamental work 1b: a hollow or a semicircular and open 
   earthenware or concrete piece used  in constructing a drain 1c: a hollow 
   building unit made of burned clay or shale or of gypsum  2: TILING  3: HAT; 
   esp : a high silk hat  4: a thin piece of resilient material (as an asphalt 
   composition, cork, lin oleum, or rubber) used esp. for covering floors or 
2. tile vt 1: to cover with tiles  2: to install drainage tile in  - til.er 