Webster's English Dictionary

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ef.fort \'ef-*rt, -.o.(*)rt\ n [MF, fr. OF esfort, fr. esforcier to force, 
   fr. ex- + forc]ier to force 1: conscious exertion of power  2: a serious 
   attempt : TRY  3: something produced by exertion or trying  4: effective 
   force as distinguished from the possible resistance called int o action by 
   such a forcetive use of energy in producing a result. EFFORT often suggests 
   a single action or attempt and implies the calling up or directing of 
   energy by the conscious will; EXERTION may describe the bringing into 
   effect of any power of mind or body or it may suggest laborious and 
   exhausting effort; PAINS implies toilsome or solicitous effort; TROUBLE 
   implies effort that inconveniences or slows down SYN syn EFFORT, EXERTION, 
   PAINS, TROUBLE mean the ac