1. may \(')ma-\ \(')mi-t\ vb or might; or may [ME (1st & 3d sing. pres.
indic.), fr. OE mg; akin to OHG mag] past pres sing & pl (1st & 3d
sing. pres. indic.) have power, am able (infin. magan), Gk me-chos means,
expedient obs : to be able archaic 1: have the ability to : CAN 2a:
have permission to {you ~ go now} : have liberty to - us ed nearly
interchangeably with can 2b: be in some degree likely to {you ~ be right}
3: - used in auxiliary function to express a wish or desire esp. in pray
er, imprecation, or benediction {long ~ he reign} 4: - used in auxiliary
function expressing purpose or expectation {I l augh that I ~ not weep} or
contingency {he'll do his duty come what ~} or concession {he ~ be slow but
he is thorough} 5: SHALL, MUST - used in law where the sense, purpose, or
po licy requires this interpretation
2. may \'ma-\ n [ME, FR. OE m-g kinsman, kinswoman, maiden] archaic :
MAIDEN May \'ma-\ n [ME, fr. OF & L; OF mai fr. L maius, fr. Maia, Roman
goddess] 1: the 5th month of the Gregorian calendar often not cap 2: the
vigorous blooming time of human life 3: the merrymaking of May Day not
cap 4a: green or flowering branches (as of hawthorn) used for May Day
decoratio ns 4b: a plant that yields may : as 4b1: HAWTHORN 4b2: a
spring-flowering spirea