Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gar.net \'ga:r-n*t\ n [ME grenat, fr. MF, fr. grenat, adj., red like a 
   pomegranate, fr. (]pome) grenate pomegranate 1: a brittle and more or less 
   transparent usu. red silicate mineral that ha s a vitreous luster, occurs 
   mainly in crystals but also massive and in grains, is found commonly in 
   gneiss and mica schist, and is used as a semiprecious stone and as an 
   abrasive (hardness 6.5-7.5, sp. gr. 3.15-4.3 2: a variable color averaging 
   a dark red 
2. garnet n [ME garnett] : a tackle usu. rigged on the mainstay of a 
   sailing ship for hoisting carg o