Webster's English Dictionary

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1. min.er.al \'min-(*-)r*l\ n [ME, fr. ML minerale, fr. neut. of mineralis] 
   1a: a solid homogeneous crystalline chemical element or compound that resul 
   ts from the inorganic processes of nature; broadly : any of various 
   naturally occurring homogeneous and usu. solid substances (as salt, stone, 
   sulfur, sand, water) obtained for man's use usu. from the ground 1b: a 
   synthetic substance having the chemical composition and crystalline f orm 
   and properties of a naturally occurring mineral obs  2: MINE  3: something 
   neither animal nor vegetable  4: ORE  5: an inorganic substance  pl, Brit  
2. mineral aj [ME, fr. ML mineralis, fr. minera mine, ore, fr. OF 
   miniere,]fr. mine 1: of or relating to minerals : INORGANIC  2: impregnated 
   with mineral substances