Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. obscure               
1. dark \'da:rk\ \'da:r-kish\ aj [ME derk, fr. OE deorc; akin to OHG 
   tarchannen to hide, Gk Xthrassein to trouble 1a: devoid or partially devoid 
   of light : not receiving, reflecting, tra nsmitting, or radiating light 1b: 
   transmitting only a portion of light  2a: wholly or partially black  of a 
   color  2b: of low or very low lightness  3a: arising from or showing evil 
   traits or desires : EVIL  3b: GLOOMY, ANGRY  3c: lacking knowledge or 
   culture  4: not clear to the understanding  5: not fair : SWARTHY  6: 
   SECRET  7: possessing depth and richness eneral term, implies utter or 
   virtual lack of illumination; DIM suggests too weak a light for things to 
   be seen clearly or distinctly; DUSKY suggests deep twilight and close 
   approach to darkness; MURKY implies a heavy darkness such as that caused by 
   smoke, fog, or dust in air or mud in water; GLOOMY implies the serious 
   interference with the normal radiation of daylight caused by dense clouds 
   and connotes cheerlessness and pessimism - dark.ish aj SYN syn DIM, DUSKY, 
   MURKY, GLOOMY: DARK, the g 
2. dark n 1a: absence of light : DARKNESS  1b: a place or time of little or 
   no light : NIGHT, NIGHTFALL  2: a dark or deep color 
3. dark vi obs  : to grow dark to make dark