Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. clear                 
trans.par.ent \-*nt\ aj [ME, fr. ML transparent-, transparens, prp. of 
   transpare-reX to show through, fr. L trans- + pare-re to show oneself - 
   more at APPEAR 1a1: having the property of transmitting light without 
   appreciable scatter ing so that bodies lying beyond are entirely visible : 
   PELLUCID 1a2: pervious to any specified form of radiation (as X rays or 
   ultraviolet  light) 1b: SHEER, DIAPHANOUS  2a: FRANK, GUILELESS  2b: easily 
   detected or seen through : OBVIOUS  2c: readily understood : CLEAR  - 
   trans.par.ent.ly av