Cross references:
1. element
1. iron \'i-(-*)rn\ n [ME, fr. OE i-sern, i-ren; akin to OHG i-sarn iron]
1: a heavy malleable ductile magnetic chiefly bivalent and trivalent silver
-white metallic element that readily rusts in moist air, occurs native in
meteorites and combined in most igneous rocks, is the most used of metals,
and is vital to biological processess 2: something made of iron : as 2a:
something (as handcuffs) used to bind or restrain - usu. used in pl. 2b: a
heated metal implement used for branding or cauterizing 2c: HARPOON 2d:
FLATIRON 2e: any of a series of numbered golf clubs having metal heads 3:
2. iron aj 1: of, relating to, or made of iron 2: resembling iron 3a:
strong and healthy : ROBUST 3b: INFLEXIBLE, UNRELENTING 3c: holding or
binding fast
3. iron vt 1: to furnish or cover with iron 2: to shackle with irons 3a:
to smooth with or as if with a heated flatiron 3b: to remove by ironing {~
out wrinkles} : to smooth or press cloth or clothing with a heated