Webster's English Dictionary

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hair \'ha(*)r, 'he(*)r\ \'ha(*)rd, 'he(*)rd\ n [ME, fr. OE h-r; akin 
   to OHG ha-r hair] 1: a slender threadlike outgrowth of the epidermis of an 
   animal; esp  : one of the usu. pigmented filaments that form the 
   characteristic coat of a mammal 2a: the hairy covering of an animal or a 
   body part; esp : the coati ng of hairs on a human head 2b: HAIRCLOTH  3a: a 
   minute distance or amount : TRIFLE {won by a ~}  3b: a precise degree : 
   NICETY {aligned to a ~}  obs  4: NATURE, CHARACTER  5: a filamentous 
   structure that resembles hair {leaf ~}  - haired aj