Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. circumstantial         2. small                 
1. min.ute \'min-*t\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL minuta, fr. L minutus small, fr. 
   pp. of minu]ere to lessen - more at MINOR 1: the 60th part of an hour of 
   time or of a degree  2: the distance one can traverse in a minute  3: a 
   short space of time : MOMENT  4a: MEMORANDUM, DRAFT  pl  4b: the official 
   record of the proceedings of a meeting 
2. minute vt : to make notes or a brief summary of 
3. mi.nute \'mi--'n(y)u:t, m*-\ aj [L minutus] 1: very small : 
   INFINITESIMAL  2: of small importance : TRIFLING  3: marked by close 
   attention to details  - mi.nute.ness n