Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. haste                 
1. hur.ry \'h*r-e-, 'h*-re-\ vb [perh. fr. ME horyen] 1a: to carry or cause 
   to go with haste {~ him to the hospital}  1b: to impel to rash or 
   precipitate action  2a: to impel to greater speed : PROD {used spurs to ~ 
   the  horse} 2b: EXPEDITE; specif : to perform with undue haste {~R a 
   minuet} : to move or act with haste {please ~ up} 
2. hurry n 1: DISTURBANCE, COMMOTION  2: a recurrent agitation of sound  
   3a: excessive haste : PRECIPITANCY  3b: a state of eagerness or urgency