Cross references:
1. haste
1. speed \'spe-d\ n [ME spede, fr. OE spe-d; akin to OHG spuot prosperity,
spe]ed, L spes hope, spatium space archaic 1: prosperity in an undertaking
: SUCCESS 2a: the act or state of moving swiftly : SWIFTNESS 2b: rate of
motion : VELOCITY 2c: MOMENTUM 3: swiftness or rate of performance or
action : QUICKNESS 4a: the sensitivity of a photographic film, plate, or
paper expressed numer ically according to one of several systems 4b: the
light gathering power of a lens or optical system expressed as rela tive
aperture 4c: the time during which a camera shutter is open 5: a
transmission gear in automotive vehicles {shift to low ~}
2. speed \'sped\ \-st*r\ vb or sped or speed.ed; or speed.ing 1a: to
prosper in an undertaking 1b: to get along : FARE 2a: to make haste 2b:
to go or drive at excessive or illegal speed 3: to move, work, or take
place faster : ACCELERATE {the heart (R@s up} archaic 1a: to cause or help
to prosper : AID 1b: to further the success of 2a: to cause to move
quickly : HASTEN 2b: to wish Godspeed to 2c: to increase the speed of :
ACCELERATE {~ed up th e engine} 3: to send out : DISCHARGE {~ an arrow} -
speed.er n
3. speed aj : of or relating to speed