Webster's English Dictionary

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1. haste \'ha-st\ n [ME, fr. OF, of Gmc origin; akin to OE h-st 
   violence] 1: rapidity of motion : SWIFTNESS  2: rash or headlong action : 
   PRECIPITATENESS  3: undue eagerness to act : URGENCY  implies urgency or 
   precipitancy in persons; HURRY carries a stronger implication of agitation, 
   bustle, or confusion; SPEED suggests swiftness of movement of things or 
   persons, or of performance, without bustle or confusion and usu. with 
   success; EXPEDITION and DISPATCH both imply speed and efficiency, 
   EXPEDITION suggesting ease and DISPATCH promptness SYN syn HURRY, SPEED, 
2. haste vt archaic  : to urge on : HASTEN to move or act swiftly